OpenCMIS TCK Report

Thu Jan 15 21:15:45 EST 2015


cmis.workbench.folder.filter cmis:objectId,cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut,cmis:contentStreamFileName,cmis:name,cmis:lastModifiedBy,cmis:objectTypeId,cmis:lastModificationDate,cmis:contentStreamMimeType,cmis:createdBy,cmis:contentStreamLength,cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId,cmis:creationDate
cmis.workbench.folder.includeAcls false
cmis.workbench.folder.includeAllowableActions false
cmis.workbench.folder.includePolicies false
cmis.workbench.folder.includeRelationships none
cmis.workbench.folder.maxItemsPerPage 10000
cmis.workbench.folder.renditionFilter cmis:none
cmis.workbench.object.filter *
cmis.workbench.object.includeAcls true
cmis.workbench.object.includeAllowableActions true
cmis.workbench.object.includePolicies true
cmis.workbench.object.includeRelationships both
cmis.workbench.object.maxItemsPerPage 1000
cmis.workbench.object.renditionFilter *
cmis.workbench.version.filter cmis:objectId,cmis:isMajorVersion,cmis:contentStreamFileName,cmis:name,cmis:isLatestVersion,cmis:objectTypeId,cmis:versionLabel,cmis:contentStreamMimeType,cmis:isLatestMajorVersion,cmis:contentStreamLength
cmis.workbench.version.includeAcls false
cmis.workbench.version.includeAllowableActions false
cmis.workbench.version.includePolicies false
cmis.workbench.version.includeRelationships none
cmis.workbench.version.maxItemsPerPage 10000
cmis.workbench.version.renditionFilter cmis:none
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.auth.classname org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.NTLMAuthenticationProvider
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.auth.http.basic false
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.auth.soap.usernametoken false
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.cache.links.size 400
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.cache.repositories.size 10
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.cache.types.size 100
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.clientcompression false
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.compression false
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.cookies true
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.httpinvoker.classname org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.http.DefaultHttpInvoker
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.spi.classname org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.spi.atompub.CmisAtomPubSpi
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.binding.spi.type atompub
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.cache.types.classname org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.bindings.impl.TypeDefinitionCacheImpl
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.password ***** 8bcb8f72-6e78-5ec9-9b54-2722cf238338
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.default.documentType cmis:document
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.default.folderType cmis:folder
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.default.testFolderParent /
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.revision 1617572
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.timestamp Version: 0.12.0 / Revision: 1617572 / Build: 2014-08-12T15:42:51-0400
org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.user exampleuser


Basics Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Basic tests.

Security Test (ATOMPUB) (143 ms)

Checks if HTTPS is used.

INFO: Binding: ATOMPUB ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: HTTPS is not used. Credentials might be transferred as plain text! ( [stacktrace]

Repository Info Test (ATOMPUB) (383 ms)

Gets and checks the repository info.

OK: Repository ID: 8bcb8f72-6e78-5ec9-9b54-2722cf238338 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Repository name: ExampleRepository ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Repository description is empty! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is empty!
OK: Vendor name: Microsoft Corporation ( [stacktrace]
OK: Product name: Office SharePoint Server ( [stacktrace]
OK: Product version: ( [stacktrace]
OK: CMIS Version Supported: 1.0 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Root folder ID: -1 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Thin client URI: ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Principal ID anonymous is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Principal Id anyone is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
OK: Latest change log token: 1;3;8bcb8f72-6e78-5ec9-9b54-2722cf238338;635568972786030000;47353;01/15/2015 05:41:19 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes Incomplete: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes on type: [CMIS_DOCUMENT, CMIS_FOLDER] ( [stacktrace]
OK: ACL capability: MANAGE ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes capability: OBJECTIDSONLY ( [stacktrace]
OK: Content stream updates capability: ANYTIME ( [stacktrace]
OK: Get descendants capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Get folder tree capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Multifiling capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Unfiling capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Version specific filing capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Query capability: BOTHSEPARATE ( [stacktrace]
OK: JOIN capability: NONE ( [stacktrace]
OK: All versions searchable capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: PWC searchable capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: PWC updatable capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Renditions capability: NONE ( [stacktrace]
OK: Supported permissions: BOTH ( [stacktrace]
OK: ACL propagation: REPOSITORYDETERMINED ( [stacktrace]
OK: Permissions: 3 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Permission mapping: 20 ( [stacktrace]

Root Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (24952 ms)

Checks the root folder and its children for specification compliance.

OK: Root folder id: -1 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Root folder object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Property ItemChildCount ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Property is not included in response! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Object is null!
FAILURE: Property FolderChildCount ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Property is not included in response! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Object is null!
FAILURE: Root folder children check ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5930-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5930-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5930-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5930-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5937-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5937-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5937-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5937-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5949-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5949-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5949-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5949-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5952-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5952-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5952-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5952-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5954-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5954-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5954-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5954-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5956-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5956-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5956-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5956-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child check: 5969-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Child has no parents! Id: 5969-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Folder is not found in childs parents! Id: 5969-512 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: List is empty!
FAILURE: Child has no path! 5969-512 ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Children should be ordered by cmis:name, but they are not! (It might be a collation mismtach.) ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: 0 / actual: 1
SKIPPED: getDescendants is not supported. ( [stacktrace]

Types Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Types tests.

Types Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Checks all types exposed by the repository for specification compliance.

WARNING: Document type spec compliance. ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:name ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:objectId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:baseTypeId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:objectTypeId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:createdBy ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:creationDate ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:lastModifiedBy ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:lastModificationDate ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:changeToken ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:isImmutable ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:isLatestVersion ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:isMajorVersion ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:isLatestMajorVersion ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:versionLabel ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:versionSeriesId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:isVersionSeriesCheckedOut ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutBy ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:checkinComment ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:contentStreamLength ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:contentStreamMimeType ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:contentStreamFileName ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:contentStreamId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: Title ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is empty!
WARNING: Folder type spec compliance. ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:name ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:objectId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:baseTypeId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:objectTypeId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:createdBy ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:creationDate ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:lastModifiedBy ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:lastModificationDate ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:changeToken ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:parentId ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:path ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: cmis:allowedChildObjectTypeIds ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is null!
WARNING: Property definition: ItemChildCount ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is empty!
WARNING: Property definition: FolderChildCount ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Description is not set! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: String is empty!
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisNotSupportedException: The service method invoked requires an optional capability not supported by the repository. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Create and Delete Type Test (ATOMPUB) (156 ms)

Creates a document type and deletes it again.

SKIPPED: Type mutability is not supported by CMIS 1.0. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Secondary Types Test (ATOMPUB) (108 ms)

Creates documents, attaches and detaches secondary types, checks the properties, and finally deletes the test documents.

SKIPPED: Secondary types are not supported by CMIS 1.0. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]


Create, Read, Update, and Delete tests.

Create and Delete Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (8012 ms)

Creates a few folders, checks the newly created folders and their parent and finally deletes the created folders.

UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Newly created folder is invalid! Exception: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Create and Delete Document Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a few documents, checks the newly created documents and their parent and finally deletes the created documents.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Create Big Document Test (ATOMPUB) (27240 ms)

Creates a 10 MiB document and deletes it.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream

Create Document without Content Test (ATOMPUB) (242 ms)

Creates a document without content and deletes it.

SKIPPED: The test document type does not support documents without content. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Create Object With Invalid Type Test (ATOMPUB) (2537 ms)

Tries to create document with a folder type and folder with a document type.

WARNING: Creation of a document with a folder type threw an unexcpeted exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRuntimeException: Newly created object is not a document! New id: Object Id: 6560 ( [stacktrace]

Name Charset Test (ATOMPUB) (26440 ms)

Creates and deletes documents with special characters in cmis:name.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'document' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'Schriftstück' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'وثيقة' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'sənəd' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'документ' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name '文件' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'έγγÏαφο' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'દસà«àª¤àª¾àªµà«‡àªœ' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'दसà¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤µà¥‡à¤œà¤¼' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'doiciméad' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'ドキュメント' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'ד×ָקומענט' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'ದಾಖಲೆ' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name '문서' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'سند' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'ஆவணமà¯' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'పతà±à°°à°‚' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'เอà¸à¸ªà¸²à¸£' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'دستاویز' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: The name 'tài liệu' raised this exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Document could not be created! Exception: The repository is not able to store the object that the user is creating/updating due to a name constraint violation. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]
WARNING: The name 'a&b' raised this exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.impl.FatalTestException: Document could not be created! Exception: The repository is not able to store the object that the user is creating/updating due to a name constraint violation. ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Tested 21 different names. ( [stacktrace]

Create and Delete Relationship Test (ATOMPUB) (186 ms)

Creates a relationship between two documents, checks the newly created relationship and finally deletes the created relationship.

SKIPPED: Relationships not supported. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Create and Delete Item Test (ATOMPUB) (100 ms)

Creates a few items, checks the newly created itens and their parent and finally deletes the created item.

SKIPPED: Items are not supported by CMIS 1.0. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Property Filter Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Tests different property filter combinations for documents and folders.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: The property filter input to the operation is not valid. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Update Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a document, updates its name and finally deletes it.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException: The operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Bulk Update Properties Test (ATOMPUB) (136 ms)

Creates a few folders and documents, renames all documents at once, and deletes all created objects.

SKIPPED: Bulk Update Properties is not supported by CMIS 1.0. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Set, Append, and Delete Content Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a new document and tries to set, append, and delete its content.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
SKIPPED: A content stream is required for this document type. deleteContentStream() test skipped! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException: The operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Change Token Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a document and a folder and updates them with an outdated change token.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConstraintException: The operation is attempting to update an object that is no longer current. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Content Ranges Test (ATOMPUB) (3566 ms)

Creates a document and reads different excerpts of the content.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Content length does not match {offset=3, length=null}! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: 28 / actual: 31
WARNING: Retrieved full stream instead of an excerpt {offset=3, length=null}! Content ranges supported? ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Content length does not match {offset=null, length=12}! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: 12 / actual: 31
WARNING: Retrieved full stream instead of an excerpt {offset=null, length=12}! Content ranges supported? ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Content length does not match {offset=5, length=17}! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: 12 / actual: 31
WARNING: Retrieved full stream instead of an excerpt {offset=5, length=17}! Content ranges supported? ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Content length does not match {offset=9, length=123}! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: 22 / actual: 31
WARNING: Retrieved full stream instead of an excerpt {offset=9, length=123}! Content ranges supported? ( [stacktrace]

Copy Test (ATOMPUB) (3156 ms)

Creates two folders and a document and copies the document from one folder to the other. If the AtomPub binding is used, this test is skipped.

UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Newly created folder is invalid! Exception: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Move Test (ATOMPUB) (3186 ms)

Creates two folders and a document and moves the document from one folder to the other.

UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Newly created folder is invalid! Exception: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Delete Tree Test (ATOMPUB) (23519 ms)

Creates a few documents in a folder, deletes the folder and checks if all documents are gone.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]

Operation Context (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a document, retrieves a minimal set of details, checks it, and finally deletes the document.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisConnectionException: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Versioning Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Versioning tests.

Versioning Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (3293 ms)

Creates a document, checks it out, cancels the check out, checks it out again and finally checks it in.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
SKIPPED: Test type is not versionable. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Versioning Delete Test (ATOMPUB) (3385 ms)

Creates a document, adds three versions and deletes the current version until the document is gone.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
SKIPPED: Test type is not versionable. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Versioning State Create Test (ATOMPUB) (2213 ms)

Creates documents in different versioning states.

SKIPPED: Test type is not versionable. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Checked out Test (ATOMPUB) (3424 ms)

Calls getCheckedOutDocs() and checks the returned objects.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Test type is not versionable. Check out skipped! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: 0 checked out document(s) overall. ( [stacktrace]
INFO: 0 checked out document(s) in the test folder. ( [stacktrace]

Filing Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Multifiling anf Unfiling tests.

Multifiling Test (ATOMPUB) (147 ms)

Creates two folders and a document in one of the folders, adds the document to the second folder and then removes it again for the second folder.

SKIPPED: Multifling not supported. Test Skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Unfiling Test (ATOMPUB) (148 ms)

Creates a folder and a document, removes the document from the folder and then adds it again.

SKIPPED: Unfiling not supported. Test Skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Control Test Group (ATOMPUB)

ACL and Policy tests.

ACL Test (ATOMPUB) (4613 ms)

Creates a document and checks its ACL.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]

Query Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Query and content changes tests.

Query Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (50390 ms)

Performs a simple query and checks if the format of the results is correct. It does not check if the results are complete!

INFO: Query: SELECT * FROM cmis:document ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3124-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3125-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3126-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3127-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3128-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3129-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3130-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3131-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3132-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3133-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3134-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3135-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3136-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3137-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3138-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3139-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3140-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3141-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3142-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3143-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3144-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3145-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3146-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3148-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: video/x-flv / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3149-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3150-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3154-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3156-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3157-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3158-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3159-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3160-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3161-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3162-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3164-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3165-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3169-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3170-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3171-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3172-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3173-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3174-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3175-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3176-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3177-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3178-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3179-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3181-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3182-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3185-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3190-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3194-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3195-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3196-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3197-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3198-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3199-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3200-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3204-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3205-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3207-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3208-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3212-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3213-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3214-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3215-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3216-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3217-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3218-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3219-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3221-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3222-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3223-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3224-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3225-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3227-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3228-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3229-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3230-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3231-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3232-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3233-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3234-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3235-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3237-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3238-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3239-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3240-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3241-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3242-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3243-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3244-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3245-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3247-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3248-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3249-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3250-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3251-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3252-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: Query hit check. Id: 3253-512 ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: application/pdf / actual: application/octet-stream
INFO: 100 query results for "SELECT * FROM cmis:document" (page size = 100) ( [stacktrace]

Query Root Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Performs a query that should return the root folder name and id.

INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:name AS folderName, cmis:objectId AS folderId FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:objectId = '-1' ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Query For Object Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Creates a folder and a document, queries them by object id, and deletes both.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Folder query: SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:objectId = '6628' ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Query LIKE Test (ATOMPUB) (4638 ms)

Performs a LIKE query and checks if only matching objects are returned.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Newly created folder is invalid! Exception: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Query IN_FOLDER and IN_TREE Test (ATOMPUB) (8131 ms)

Performs IN_FOLDER and IN_TREE queries.

FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: New document object spec compliance ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Document is not versionable but has CAN_CHECK_OUT allowable action! ( [stacktrace]
FAILURE: Content MIME types don't match! ( [stacktrace]
INFO: expected: null / actual: application/octet-stream
FAILURE: The folder the document has been created in is not in the list of the document parents! ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Newly created folder is invalid! Exception: Unexpected document! Received: HTML document ( [stacktrace] [exception details]

Content Changes Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (0 ms)

Calls getContentChanges(). It does not check if the results are correct!

INFO: Change log token is null. The AtomPub binding does not return it. ( [stacktrace]
UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisInvalidArgumentException: One or more of the input parameters to the service method is missing or invalid. ( [stacktrace] [exception details]