OpenCMIS TCK Report

Mon Nov 17 17:32:52 JST 2014


org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.tck.timestampVersion: 0.12.0 / Revision: 1617572 / Build: 2014-08-12T15:42:51-0400


Basics Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Basic tests.

Security Test (ATOMPUB) (126 ms)

Checks if HTTPS is used.

INFO: Binding: ATOMPUB ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: HTTPS is not used. Credentials might be transferred as plain text! ( [stacktrace]

Repository Info Test (ATOMPUB) (101 ms)

Gets and checks the repository info.

OK: Repository ID: bedroom2 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Repository name: bedroom2 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Repository description: NemakiWare, Lightweight CMIS Server ( [stacktrace]
OK: Vendor name: aegif ( [stacktrace]
OK: Product name: NemakiWare ( [stacktrace]
OK: Product version: 1.1 ( [stacktrace]
OK: CMIS Version Supported: 1.1 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Root folder ID: / ( [stacktrace]
OK: Thin client URI: $cmis.repository.main.thinClientUri ( [stacktrace]
WARNING: Unable to connect to thin client '$cmis.repository.main.thinClientUri': no protocol: $cmis.repository.main.thinClientUri ( [stacktrace]
OK: Principal ID anonymous: anonymous ( [stacktrace]
OK: Principal ID anyone: GROUP_EVERYONE ( [stacktrace]
OK: Latest change log token: 4 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes Incomplete: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes on type: [CMIS_DOCUMENT, CMIS_FOLDER] ( [stacktrace]
OK: No repository features exposed. ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Object is null!
OK: ACL capability: MANAGE ( [stacktrace]
OK: Changes capability: OBJECTIDSONLY ( [stacktrace]
OK: Content stream updates capability: ANYTIME ( [stacktrace]
OK: Get descendants capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Get folder tree capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Multifiling capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Unfiling capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Version specific filing capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: Query capability: BOTHCOMBINED ( [stacktrace]
OK: JOIN capability: NONE ( [stacktrace]
OK: All versions searchable capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: PWC searchable capability: false ( [stacktrace]
OK: PWC updatable capability: true ( [stacktrace]
OK: Renditions capability: READ ( [stacktrace]
OK: 'New type settable attributes' flags are set. ( [stacktrace]
OK: 'Creatable property types' flags are set. ( [stacktrace]
OK: Supported permissions: BOTH ( [stacktrace]
OK: ACL propagation: PROPAGATE ( [stacktrace]
OK: Permissions: 4 ( [stacktrace]
OK: Permission mapping: 34 ( [stacktrace]

Root Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (9132 ms)

Checks the root folder and its children for specification compliance.

OK: Root folder id: / ( [stacktrace]

Types Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Types tests.

Types Test (ATOMPUB) (10608 ms)

Checks all types exposed by the repository for specification compliance.

INFO: Checked 19 type definitions. ( [stacktrace]

Create and Delete Type Test (ATOMPUB) (2564 ms)

Creates a document type and deletes it again.

INFO: Created type 'tck:testid_without_properties'. Repository assigned the following type id: tck:testid_without_properties ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Created type 'tck:testid_with_properties'. Repository assigned the following type id: tck:testid_with_properties ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:boolean' the following property id: tck:boolean ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:id' the following property id: tck:id ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:integer' the following property id: tck:integer ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:datetime' the following property id: tck:datetime ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:decimal' the following property id: tck:decimal ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:html' the following property id: tck:html ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:string' the following property id: tck:string ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Repository assigned the property 'tck:uri' the following property id: tck:uri ( [stacktrace]

Secondary Types Test (ATOMPUB) (22254 ms)

Creates documents, attaches and detaches secondary types, checks the properties, and finally deletes the test documents.


Create, Read, Update, and Delete tests.

Create and Delete Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (130910 ms)

Creates a few folders, checks the newly created folders and their parent and finally deletes the created folders.

INFO: Tested the creation and deletion of 20 folders. ( [stacktrace]

Create and Delete Document Test (ATOMPUB) (229449 ms)

Creates a few documents, checks the newly created documents and their parent and finally deletes the created documents.

INFO: Tested the creation and deletion of 20 documents. ( [stacktrace]

Create Big Document Test (ATOMPUB) (9866 ms)

Creates a 10 MiB document and deletes it.

Create Document without Content Test (ATOMPUB) (196 ms)

Creates a document without content and deletes it.

SKIPPED: The test document type does not support documents without content. Test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Create Object With Invalid Type Test (ATOMPUB) (7309 ms)

Tries to create document with a folder type and folder with a document type.

WARNING: Creation of a document with a folder type threw an unexcpeted exception: org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisRuntimeException: Newly created object is not a document! New id: Object Id: 4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db720d1885 ( [stacktrace]

Name Charset Test (ATOMPUB) (120652 ms)

Creates and deletes documents with special characters in cmis:name.

INFO: Tested 21 different names. ( [stacktrace]

Create and Delete Relationship Test (ATOMPUB) (18321 ms)

Creates a relationship between two documents, checks the newly created relationship and finally deletes the created relationship.

Create and Delete Item Test (ATOMPUB) (73217 ms)

Creates a few items, checks the newly created itens and their parent and finally deletes the created item.

INFO: Tested the creation and deletion of 20 items. ( [stacktrace]

Property Filter Test (ATOMPUB) (10324 ms)

Tests different property filter combinations for documents and folders.

Update Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (17755 ms)

Creates a document, updates its name and finally deletes it.

Bulk Update Properties Test (ATOMPUB) (217509 ms)

Creates a few folders and documents, renames all documents at once, and deletes all created objects.

Set, Append, and Delete Content Test (ATOMPUB) (14477 ms)

Creates a new document and tries to set, append, and delete its content.

SKIPPED: A content stream is required for this document type. deleteContentStream() test skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Change Token Test (ATOMPUB) (35090 ms)

Creates a document and a folder and updates them with an outdated change token.

INFO: The repository created a new version. Change tokens are not relevant here. ( [stacktrace]

Content Ranges Test (ATOMPUB) (10145 ms)

Creates a document and reads different excerpts of the content.

Copy Test (ATOMPUB) (21927 ms)

Creates two folders and a document and copies the document from one folder to the other. If the AtomPub binding is used, this test is skipped.

Move Test (ATOMPUB) (18185 ms)

Creates two folders and a document and moves the document from one folder to the other.

Delete Tree Test (ATOMPUB) (96542 ms)

Creates a few documents in a folder, deletes the folder and checks if all documents are gone.

Operation Context (ATOMPUB) (9626 ms)

Creates a document, retrieves a minimal set of details, checks it, and finally deletes the document.

Versioning Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Versioning tests.

Versioning Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (24258 ms)

Creates a document, checks it out, cancels the check out, checks it out again and finally checks it in.

Versioning Delete Test (ATOMPUB) (33892 ms)

Creates a document, adds three versions and deletes the current version until the document is gone.

Versioning State Create Test (ATOMPUB) (17070 ms)

Creates documents in different versioning states.

Checked out Test (ATOMPUB) (13664 ms)

Calls getCheckedOutDocs() and checks the returned objects.

INFO: 1 checked out document(s) overall. ( [stacktrace]
INFO: 1 checked out document(s) in the test folder. ( [stacktrace]

Filing Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Multifiling anf Unfiling tests.

Multifiling Test (ATOMPUB) (102 ms)

Creates two folders and a document in one of the folders, adds the document to the second folder and then removes it again for the second folder.

SKIPPED: Multifling not supported. Test Skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Unfiling Test (ATOMPUB) (100 ms)

Creates a folder and a document, removes the document from the folder and then adds it again.

SKIPPED: Unfiling not supported. Test Skipped! ( [stacktrace]

Control Test Group (ATOMPUB)

ACL and Policy tests.

ACL Test (ATOMPUB) (10667 ms)

Creates a document and checks its ACL.

Query Test Group (ATOMPUB)

Query and content changes tests.

Query Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (1324 ms)

Performs a simple query and checks if the format of the results is correct. It does not check if the results are complete!

INFO: Query: SELECT * FROM cmis:document ( [stacktrace]
INFO: 1 query results for "SELECT * FROM cmis:document" (page size = 100) ( [stacktrace]

Query Root Folder Test (ATOMPUB) (792 ms)

Performs a query that should return the root folder name and id.

INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:name AS folderName, cmis:objectId AS folderId FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:objectId = '/' ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:name AS folderName, cmis:objectId AS folderId FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:creationDate > TIMESTAMP '2012-12-31T23:00:00.000Z' AND cmis:creationDate < TIMESTAMP '2013-01-01T01:00:00.000Z' ( [stacktrace]

Query For Object Test (ATOMPUB) (9869 ms)

Creates a folder and a document, queries them by object id, and deletes both.

INFO: Folder query: SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:objectId = '4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db722a8b3e' ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Folder query: SELECT * FROM cmis:folder WHERE cmis:objectId IN ('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db722a8b3e') ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Document query: SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE cmis:objectId = '4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db722aafd1' ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Document query: SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE cmis:objectId IN ('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db722aafd1') ( [stacktrace]

Query LIKE Test (ATOMPUB) (247453 ms)

Performs a LIKE query and checks if only matching objects are returned.

Query IN_FOLDER and IN_TREE Test (ATOMPUB) (286288 ms)

Performs IN_FOLDER and IN_TREE queries.

INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:objectId FROM cmis:document WHERE IN_FOLDER('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db723387fb') ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Hits: 5 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:objectId FROM cmis:document WHERE IN_TREE('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db723387fb') ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Hits: 10 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:objectId FROM cmis:folder WHERE IN_FOLDER('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db723387fb') ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Hits: 5 ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Query: SELECT cmis:objectId FROM cmis:folder WHERE IN_TREE('4ee2ea3eaf19026469fbf9db723387fb') ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Hits: 10 ( [stacktrace]

Content Changes Smoke Test (ATOMPUB) (167374 ms)

Calls getContentChanges(). It does not check if the results are correct!

INFO: Change log token is not null. Probably an OpenCMIS based server. ( [stacktrace]
INFO: Object is not null!